Thank you to each and every one of the 137 friends and alumni of the College of Education who have supported the mission of the North Florida Freedom Schools so far. Through fundraising campaigns in March and April, we have generated support for all but 9 of the 50 students at one of our North Florida Freedom Schools sites. Our alumni and friends have shown that together, we can give every child in our area the opportunity to get excited about learning and make a difference in the community.
Thanks to alumni and friends like you, College of Education faculty, students, and alumni from FSU and FAMU will spend six weeks helping to bridge the summer reading gap that children living in high poverty areas can face. NFFS campuses in Gadsden and South Leon Counties will provide 100 students with fun, education, and healthy meals to nurture mind and body while they participate in a social action project. Last summer, campers at Freedom Schools combatted child hunger.
Just $2,500 remain on our goal to cover the expenses of either the South Leon or the Gadsden County North Florida Freedom Schools site, though $11,000 would cover the expenses for both campuses (any gifts beyond the $2,500 goal will be applied to the expenses of the second campus)! Gifts of all sizes are needed and appreciated, but please consider sponsoring a child today with your gift of $285. Contact us to learn how you can become a campus sponsor or get involved as a volunteer.