The Debate & Speech Program at Florida State University is the oldest student activity on campus. Its rich history of competitive success and scholastic achievement dates back to 1887. It is a student academic program that is affiliated with the College of Communication & Information. There is an important and consistent link between participation in debate and professional success. Research indicates that forensics participants go on to excel in law, politics and business.
How the Program Benefits Our Students
The Florida State University debate and speech teams have consistently qualified students to compete against many of America’s finest undergraduate scholars. Participation in the program provides students with opportunities to develop skills in public speaking, leadership, critical thinking, time management and advanced writing and research. The program has consistently received top Florida program rankings at all state, regional and national competitions. Participants have testified that the skills they have learned have helped them become better lawyers, teachers, clergy, business people and leaders in many fields.
How You Can Help
FSU is committed to maintaining a nationally competitive debate and speech program and we need your support to ensure its future. Join the effort to guarantee that future students will have the opportunity to grow and learn through debate & speech. Your gift will provide ongoing support for student workshops, travel to tournaments and participation in campus events and other related team activities.
*If you’d like to make a gift in honor of Dr. Marilyn Young, former debate coach, please make sure that you designate it accordingly.
**Have a good story and photos you would like to share about the debate & speech program from “back in the day”? Tell us about a funny, poignant, cherished, or otherwise memorable moment from your years on the squad. Email your submissions to Dr. Marilyn Young at