After a recent unfortunate series of events, the FAMU-FSU Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) was left without their Baja Race car, as well as, all of their tools. Despite this, the club has been hard at work over the past few months in an effort to jumpstart their Formula Car Division of the club. Donations would help replace the thousands of dollars of tools that the club used at competitions and on a daily basis. In terms of replacing the Baja car, the club must design and rebuild an entire car from the ground up. This is what SAE does best! SAE plans on completing this daunting task over a two year period to ensure the club can fund, build, and test a Formula and Baja car each and every year. SAE sincerely appreciates all donations, no matter the size. Please help us get back in the spotlight!
A complete list of the items that need to be replaced is available upon request.
Zac Silver, Vice-President, FAMU-FSU Society of Automotive Engineers | 630-464-5914