In 1974 twelve young African-American students came together with the aim of creating an enduring brotherhood centered on manly deeds, scholarship and love for all mankind. They established the Iota Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. on the campus of Florida State University that continues today.
In the spirt of those fraternal aims, the brothers of Iota Delta have officially established the Iota Delta Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc. Scholarship Fund at the FSU Foundation. This Fund will help support current Iota Delta brothers with tuition and other costs of attendance. Brothers who are first generation college students, and are participants of C.A.R.E. (Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement) (formerly Horizons Unlimited and Summer Enrichment Programs) will be eligible for the scholarship award.
Great Give Goal: Raise $5,000 towards the of $50,000 required to fully endow the fund.
What is an endowment at the FSU Foundation? – An Endowment is a permanent fund that provides income for charitable purposes in perpetuity. For example, an Alpha endowment of $50,000 would be invested and provide $2,000 every year to be used for scholarships.
How will scholarship recipients be selected? A scholarship committee would make the selection based on criteria set out at the creation of the endowment. Criteria could include preferences for CARE students, Alpha Phi Alpha member, financial need, and minimum GPAs.
What are ways that I can give to the Fund? There are many ways to give to the fund. You can give directly online with your credit card. You can make a pledge and make your gift over time. You can create a recurring gift and give every month. You can made a gift through your estate. You can even gift a piece of real estate. And you can always write a check.
Will my gift be tax deductible? Yes.
Who should I contact if I have further questions? Brandon T. McCray, Iota Delta, Spring 1992: or 850.645.0911 or Susan Contente or 850.228.9453