Give now to the Charles Dorn Fund! Your gift will support graduate students in art education and arts administration, including student research, conference presentation and attendance, professional association membership, & more.

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Art Ed & Admin Student Support - Charles Dorn Fund

Chuck was one of those remarkable people who taught and published right up to the end of his life. 

His career spanned forty-seven years after he received his PhD from the University of Texas in 1959. For his last twenty years, Chuck was at Florida State University (FSU) in the Department of Art Education, where he served for four years as chair and five years as director of the Center for Arts Administration. For forty years, Chuck participated at the annual meeting for the National Art Education Association (and served as its president from 1975–77). He also attended the STP&A annual meetings since 1994, serving as organizer for the 1997 STP&A meeting at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. (It might be noted that Chuck’s son was the architect of the conference building.) He presented papers at STP&A meetings as recently as 2005 at the University of Oregon.

A lesser-known aspect of Chuck’s many accomplishments was his talent as a painter, with frequent representation in both juried and solo exhibitions.

- excerpt from "A Tribute" by Kevin V. Mulcahy, PhD

Dr. Charles Dorn was quietly philanthropic, giving back to students with a regular gift in each and every paycheck. His family established the Charles Dorn Endowed Fund to honor his commitment.

Help Honor Chuck Dorn While Supporting Art Education & Arts Administration Students TODAY!


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Come back on 3/5/2025 12:00 AM to start making a difference!

Your chance to support this project starts on 3/5/2025 12:00 AM

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