Help create life-changing experiences for hospitality students by making it possible for them to afford summer internships. Internships are of enormous benefit to students. Your gift during FSU’s Great Give can truly change a life. Donate today!
$8,462 Raised of $3,500 Goal
42 Total Gifts
41 Supporters
$3,500 Largest Gift
0 Days to go
Hospitality Internship Travel
Help create life-changing experiences for hospitality students by making it possible for them to afford summer internships. Internships are of enormous benefit to students, kick-starting their careers by connecting them to the right people and organizations. The greatest barrier to interning for students is often financial, because they must pay two rents at once — one where they are interning and one in Tallahassee. The Dedman School faculty has worked for years to establish incredible opportunities for our students and we do not want anything to hinder our students and future hospitality professionals from taking advantage.
Your gift during FSU’s Great Give can truly change a life. Donate today!
Project Updates
Update Title March 21, 2014
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque scelerisque diam non nisi semper, et elementum lorem ornare. Maecenas placerat facilisis mollis. Duis sagittis ligula in sodales vehicula.
Update Title March 21, 2014
Curabitur purus sem, malesuada eu luctus eget, suscipit sed turpis. Nam pellentesque felis vitae justo accumsan, sed semper nisi sollicitudin.
Update Title March 21, 2014
Fusce ullamcorper ligula sit amet quam accumsan aliquet. Sed nulla odio, tincidunt vitae nunc vitae, mollis pharetra velit. Sed nec tempor nibh.
Young Alumni
Graduates of the last five years are of crucial importance to keeping the Dedman tradition of giving back!
Give $25.00
Spear Donor
Helps students with travel necessities.
Give $50.00
Garnet Donor
Helps students with miscellaneous expenses for travel such as baggage fees.
Give $100.00
Gold Donor
Assists students with fuel expenses and other car travel.
Give $250.00
Platinum Donor
Assists students with rent payments when most juggle a double rent of an FSU apartment and housing for an internship.