With its campus-wide commitment to veterans, Florida State has become a national beacon for veteran support and success.
Veteran success at Florida State is enhanced when these students participate in general campus activities and veteran-specific events, like the annual Welcome Veterans Kickoff and Veterans Military Ball. These events and activities are maintained through the generous support of our donors.
The current veteran retention/graduation rate at FSU is an impressive 86%, significantly higher than the national average and a considerable increase over the 69% rate of just a few years ago.
According to the national president of Student Veterans of America, Florida State is the “the most veteran friendly university in the nation.”
P.S. Double or triple the impact of your gift!
You could potentially double or even triple the impact of your gift to Florida State if you or your spouse is employed by a company that matches the charitable contributions of its employees. Visit matchinggifts.com/fsu to find out if your employer has a matching gift policy.
Project Updates
Update Title March 21, 2014
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque scelerisque diam non nisi semper, et elementum lorem ornare. Maecenas placerat facilisis mollis. Duis sagittis ligula in sodales vehicula.
Update Title March 21, 2014
Curabitur purus sem, malesuada eu luctus eget, suscipit sed turpis. Nam pellentesque felis vitae justo accumsan, sed semper nisi sollicitudin.
Update Title March 21, 2014
Fusce ullamcorper ligula sit amet quam accumsan aliquet. Sed nulla odio, tincidunt vitae nunc vitae, mollis pharetra velit. Sed nec tempor nibh.