With your financial support, the Seminole Organic Garden at Florida State University can continue to grow and inspire more students to learn about the food supply chain, develop gardening skills and lead healthy and sustainable lives.
$1,235 Raised of $2,500 Goal
34 Total Gifts
32 Supporters
$250 Largest Gift
0 Days to go
Seminole Organic Garden
The Seminole Organic Garden is a program with FSU Sustainable Campus. The garden is located between Wildwood Hall and the FSU High Flying Circus and offers a beautiful, dynamic setting where students demonstrate principles of environmental stewardship, build their interdisciplinary skills and capacities and learn from each other and the earth.
Your support will help the garden grow into a space for hands-on learning for students, faculty, and staff. To help create this space, funding is needed to support:
The construction of a pavilion that would provide shade during garden work days and events and serve as an outdoor classroom for FSU classes.
Fencing to create a boundary and provide an element of security for the veggies and fruit trees.
Supplies for additional garden beds, including brick pavers, soil, and seeds for planting.
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Update Title March 21, 2014
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Update Title March 21, 2014
Fusce ullamcorper ligula sit amet quam accumsan aliquet. Sed nulla odio, tincidunt vitae nunc vitae, mollis pharetra velit. Sed nec tempor nibh.
Eggplant Friend
Thank you for being our Eggplant Friend. This means you are giving $5-$9 and helping the campus garden grow. Keep checking the Seminole Organic Garden Facebook page for a special message to all our Eggplant Friends!
Give $5.00
Flower Friend
Thank you for being our Flower Friend. This means you are giving $10-$19 and helping the campus garden grow. Keep checking the Seminole Organic Garden Facebook page for a special message to all our Flower Friends!
Give $10.00
Tree Friend
Thank you for being our Tree Friend. This means you are giving $20-$49 and helping the campus garden grow. Keep checking the Seminole Organic Garden Facebook page for a special message to all our Tree Friends!
Give $20.00
Pepper Friend
Thank you for being our Pepper Friend. This means you are giving $50 or more and helping the campus garden grow. Keep checking the Seminole Organic Garden Facebook page for a special message to all our Pepper Friends!