We need your help to expand and sustain the experiential learning opportunities available for today's social work students. Your gift supports social work students and #FSUCSW activities. Make our students the best!

Donations ended on 3/9/2023

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Donate to the College of Social Work Tradition of Excellence Fund

$11,755 Raised of $25,000 Goal

Total Gifts


Largest Gift

Days to go

College of Social Work Support

We need your help to support STUDENT EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING at the College of Social Work!

WHAT: Since 1928, the FSU College of Social Work has been educating students to help meet the needs of society. CSW students must be adequately prepared as the next generation of social work practitioners, patrons and leaders. Many impactful experiences occur outside the classroom.

HOW: The TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE FUND exists to enable students to gain valuable experiential learning opportunities and community engagement. This fund can also respond to emergency needs. We need your support to increase the fund to make it available to more students.

Help us reach new heights over the next 24 hours! Your contribution is an essential element of the success of our students, the College of Social Work and our university rankings! Take a moment to contribute.

Student Well-Being

Give $50.00

Student Leader Support

Give $100.00

Travel Grant Support

Give $250.00

Student Research Support

Give $500.00

Internship Support

Give $1,000.00

Thank You to Our Supporters






Board Members

Supporter Amount Gift Date
Sierra Corby   $15.00 3/8/2023 11:27 PM
Kevin Eberhardt  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 11:16 PM
Katrina Boone   Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 10:58 PM
Wilda Sigler  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 10:40 PM
Leah Dienger   Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 10:25 PM
Jessica Greil-Burkhart   $20.00 3/8/2023 9:08 PM
Kim Torres & James Torres   Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 9:00 PM
Darryl Griffin   $15.00 3/8/2023 8:14 PM
Kym Holcomb   Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 8:12 PM
Devan Marshall  $5.00 3/8/2023 7:59 PM
Catalina Quiroz  $10.00 3/8/2023 7:37 PM
Michael Robinson   $10.00 3/8/2023 7:27 PM
Anonymous Donor  Student Leader Support $150.00 3/8/2023 7:06 PM
Margarette Kennerly  $25.00 3/8/2023 7:04 PM
Stephen Preisser & Tracey Preisser   Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 6:51 PM
Wendy Hollady  Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 6:43 PM
Ann Gabor  $25.00 3/8/2023 6:34 PM
Lisa Tamargo  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 6:26 PM
Anonymous Donor  $20.00 3/8/2023 6:14 PM
Anonymous Donor  $25.00 3/8/2023 6:08 PM
Michael Alexander-Luz  $25.00 3/8/2023 6:06 PM
Anonymous Donor $25.00 3/8/2023 6:03 PM
Emily Lenk  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 5:37 PM
Anonymous Donor  $40.00 3/8/2023 5:35 PM
Patricia Parker  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 5:32 PM
Clyde Metcalf  $10.00 3/8/2023 5:26 PM
Jan Metcalf  $10.00 3/8/2023 5:23 PM
REBECCA JONES  Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 5:20 PM
Connie Leonard  $5.00 3/8/2023 5:19 PM
Lisa Bolhouse  $5.00 3/8/2023 5:18 PM
CYD CAMPBELL  Travel Grant Support $250.00 3/8/2023 5:11 PM
John Hutcherson & Judy Hutcherson  Student Leader Support $150.00 3/8/2023 5:10 PM
Adream Bennett  $20.00 3/8/2023 5:03 PM
Nancy Sanguiliano  $25.00 3/8/2023 5:02 PM
Patty Loch  $20.00 3/8/2023 4:55 PM
Gabriela Licznerski  $5.00 3/8/2023 4:54 PM
Lisa Johnson   $5.00 3/8/2023 4:51 PM
Peter Howard  Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 4:46 PM
Michael Blank  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 4:45 PM
Joshua Truitt  $5.00 3/8/2023 4:44 PM
Amanda Wood & Martin Wood   $25.00 3/8/2023 4:40 PM
Kim Sievers  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 4:39 PM
Susan Potts & Mike Mesler  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 4:34 PM
Anonymous Donor  $5.00 3/8/2023 4:31 PM
Sean Toomer   Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 4:28 PM
Mary Wakeman  Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 4:28 PM
Rebecca Loch  $5.00 3/8/2023 4:26 PM
Des Max   $5.00 3/8/2023 4:23 PM
Anonymous Donor  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 4:21 PM
Aiyanna Daniels   $5.00 3/8/2023 4:13 PM
Judith Harrell    Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 3:57 PM
Deborah Rubens  Travel Grant Support $250.00 3/8/2023 3:50 PM
Ginny Kennedy Palys  Internship Support $1,000.00 3/8/2023 3:28 PM
Carol Edwards & Adnan Edwards  Travel Grant Support $250.00 3/8/2023 3:21 PM
Keithen Mathis  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 3:19 PM
Kenneth Ryder   $5.00 3/8/2023 3:16 PM
Alena Lawson Bennett  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 3:00 PM
Judith Dinehart   Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 3:00 PM
Nicolle Valqui  $5.00 3/8/2023 2:59 PM
Leslie Spencer  $25.00 3/8/2023 2:58 PM
Terry Hines  Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 2:58 PM
Cherish Walker  $5.00 3/8/2023 2:56 PM
Nolia Brandt  Student Leader Support $200.00 3/8/2023 2:56 PM
James Lee   Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 2:54 PM
Dawn Jackson  $25.00 3/8/2023 2:52 PM
Bryan Wimberly  $5.00 3/8/2023 2:51 PM
Anonymous Donor  $5.00 3/8/2023 2:47 PM
Samantha Toomey   $5.00 3/8/2023 2:44 PM
Cherie Rowland   Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 2:22 PM
jessica rosenthal   $5.00 3/8/2023 2:20 PM
Yvonne Sprunger Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 2:13 PM
Anonymous Donor   $5.00 3/8/2023 1:38 PM
Sabrina Maldonado   $5.00 3/8/2023 1:19 PM
Ashli Reynolds    $5.00 3/8/2023 1:10 PM
Monica Castellanos  $5.00 3/8/2023 1:00 PM
Caitlin Cates   $20.00 3/8/2023 12:52 PM
Julie LeBlanc  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 12:52 PM
Earvin Casciano   $5.00 3/8/2023 12:42 PM
Nicholas Mazza  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 12:28 PM
Ashley Lucas   $5.00 3/8/2023 12:12 PM
Ashley Lucas   $5.00 3/8/2023 12:12 PM
Emma Alacan  $5.00 3/8/2023 12:12 PM
Mike Killian & April Killian   Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 11:59 AM
Lisa Schelbe & Chris Schoborg   Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 11:52 AM
Quentin England   $5.00 3/8/2023 11:40 AM
Makenna Bernstein  $5.00 3/8/2023 11:35 AM
Erin Durante  $10.00 3/8/2023 11:30 AM
Mia Visconti  $5.00 3/8/2023 11:29 AM
Jennifer Farinella & Michael Farinella   $25.00 3/8/2023 10:58 AM
Anonymous Donor  $5.00 3/8/2023 10:51 AM
Kelli Ryder  $5.00 3/8/2023 10:45 AM
Lynn Bertram  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 10:32 AM
Shalay Jackson  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 10:18 AM
John Herndon & Cathie herndon  Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 10:16 AM
Aggie Stoops & Jeff Stoops  Internship Support $5,000.00 3/8/2023 9:53 AM
Bruce Thyer  Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 9:38 AM
Jane Dwyer Lee  Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 9:38 AM
kc callison  Student Leader Support $100.00 3/8/2023 9:37 AM
Deborah Jervis  $25.00 3/8/2023 9:28 AM
Lisa Magruder & Benjamin Magruder   Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 9:27 AM
Lyndsey Korst  $5.00 3/8/2023 9:23 AM
Eric Herbst  $5.00 3/8/2023 9:21 AM
Anonymous Donor  $5.00 3/8/2023 9:20 AM
Cecily Hardin  Student Research Support $500.00 3/8/2023 9:16 AM
Lauren Antista    $25.00 3/8/2023 9:13 AM
Joann Milford & Bill Milford  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 9:12 AM
Lisa Jackson & Brett Jackson    $20.00 3/8/2023 9:08 AM
Charlotte Hayes  $25.00 3/8/2023 9:05 AM
Naomi Molina   $5.00 3/8/2023 8:40 AM
Shannon Shannon & Tanner Thompson   $25.00 3/8/2023 8:36 AM
Dylan Smith & Lauren Smith  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 8:19 AM
Elsa Collins  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 8:19 AM
Colette Podgorski  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 7:55 AM
John and Kendall Holysz & Kendall Holysz   $25.00 3/8/2023 7:27 AM
Robyn Blank & Michael Blank   $25.00 3/8/2023 6:56 AM
Sara Newhouse  $15.00 3/8/2023 6:55 AM
Kennedy Ryder  $5.00 3/8/2023 6:54 AM
Jeanne Pecha  $25.00 3/8/2023 6:51 AM
Jeffrey Langenderfer & Debra Langenderfer   Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 12:22 AM
Brittany McNair & Jason McNair  Student Well-Being $50.00 3/8/2023 12:16 AM

Donations for this project ended on 3/9/2023 12:00 AM

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David Springer

SPARKFSU Unit Representative

Colette Podgorski

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