Create a space to connect with other students, learn about the campus and community, and enjoy the comforts of home between classes.
$3,925 Raised of $5,000 Goal
58 Total Gifts
56 Supporters
$500 Largest Gift
0 Days to go
Home sweet Holley
You may not live here, but it can feel like home.
Acting as a central hub for campus life, the Holley Rotunda has become a gathering place for students between classes. The convenient location at the heart of campus keeps students near faculty offices, classrooms, dining and the Library and Learning Center.
This project will enhance the space to allow students and community members to better connect, learn about the campus and enjoy the comforts of home between classes or events. The more comfortable space will enrich the college community, fostering an environment for students and community members to get to know and understand others better.
Donations will fund plants, furniture, information kiosks and/or artwork to make the Holley Rotunda more inviting.
Project Updates
Update Title March 21, 2014
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Update Title March 21, 2014
Curabitur purus sem, malesuada eu luctus eget, suscipit sed turpis. Nam pellentesque felis vitae justo accumsan, sed semper nisi sollicitudin.
Update Title March 21, 2014
Fusce ullamcorper ligula sit amet quam accumsan aliquet. Sed nulla odio, tincidunt vitae nunc vitae, mollis pharetra velit. Sed nec tempor nibh.