Give to the College of Arts and Sciences and, as a bonus, we'll double the impact of your gift with a dollar-for-dollar match during the 2021 Great Give.

Donations ended on 3/11/2021

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You can still make a difference.

Donate to the College of Arts and Sciences Academic Endowment Fund

$12,070 Raised of $10,000 Goal

Total Gifts


Largest Gift

Days to go

Arts and Sciences Academic Fund

Students in the College of Arts and Sciences study at the intersection of curiosity and creativity. Our students and alumni are writers and linguists, scientists and athletes, award winners and noted scholars. From astrophysics to statistics, from classics to religion, and beyond; the college is home to 167 major programs of study and is truly the academic core of Florida State. Nearly every Seminole who completes a degree has taken at least one course here. 

By giving to the College of Arts and Sciences Academic Fund, you’re helping current and future stars secure the outstanding education necessary to launch careers that will change the world. Meeting our goal means we can award 10 $1,000 scholarships to deserving College of Arts and Sciences students. And, through the dean’s matching funds, reaching our goal allows us to double the number of scholarships we can award. 

Join us and give now!


Give $5.00


Give $25.00


Give $50.00


Give $150.00


Give $250.00


Give $500.00

Thank You to Our Supporters






Board Members

Supporter Amount Gift Date
sherron Sloan Alumni Faculty/Staff Associate $5.00 3/10/2021 11:32 PM
Anonymous Donor Alumni Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 11:08 PM
Nathaniel Cohan & Katie Ramp Alumni Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 11:08 PM
Anonymous Donor Faculty/Staff Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 10:33 PM
Michael Buckner & Julia Buckner Alumni Associate $20.00 3/10/2021 9:56 PM
Harriett Stripling-Hunter & William H Hunter Alumni Associate $10.00 3/10/2021 9:50 PM
Christina Parker-Flynn Faculty/Staff Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 9:05 PM
Wade Bontrager & Kim Bontrager Alumni Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 8:26 PM
Don Wolfersteig  Alumni Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 8:15 PM
Kelly Fantegrossi & John Fantegrossi Alumni Collaborator $100.00 3/10/2021 8:03 PM
Doriane Gordon & Robert Gordon Alumni Associate $15.00 3/10/2021 7:50 PM
Laura Barrett & Thomas Alumni Patron $250.00 3/10/2021 7:13 PM
Douglas Ransom Alumni Associate $5.00 3/10/2021 6:17 PM
Susanne Houff Alumni Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 6:11 PM
Tom Phillips & Dianne Phillips Alumni Collaborator $100.00 3/10/2021 4:32 PM
Martha Quinn Parent Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 4:00 PM
Meg and Fred Carr Alumni Collaborator $100.00 3/10/2021 3:56 PM
Anonymous Donor Alumni Collaborator $100.00 3/10/2021 3:54 PM
Edward Tunstall & Tish Tunstall  Alumni Advocate $200.00 3/10/2021 3:50 PM
Herman Walker Alumni Advocate $200.00 3/10/2021 3:46 PM
Elaine Crepeau Alumni Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 2:57 PM
Jane Sowerby & John Alumni Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 2:36 PM
Sam Huckaba & Marleena Faculty/Staff Champion $500.00 3/10/2021 2:34 PM
Walter Klein Alumni Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 2:25 PM
Wallace Wilkerson & Kelly Wilkerson Alumni Parent Patron $250.00 3/10/2021 2:23 PM
Anonymous Donor Alumni Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 2:13 PM
Margaret Hanson Faculty/Staff Associate $20.00 3/10/2021 2:10 PM
Ken Brewer Alumni Collaborator $100.00 3/10/2021 1:55 PM
Janet Stoner & Alicia Crew Alumni Champion $1,000.00 3/10/2021 1:54 PM
Natalie Mills & John Mills Student Parent Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 1:46 PM
LESLIE ROODS & Clinton Alumni Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 1:40 PM
Margaret (Peggy) Cobb Alumni Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 1:35 PM
Anonymous Donor Alumni Faculty/Staff Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 1:30 PM
Anonymous Donor Alumni Parent Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 1:28 PM
Nicole Davis Alumni Collaborator $100.00 3/10/2021 1:28 PM
Judith Pascoe Faculty/Staff Collaborator $100.00 3/10/2021 1:20 PM
Betty Steffens Alumni Advocate $200.00 3/10/2021 1:19 PM
Anonymous Donor Alumni Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 12:57 PM
Lynne Darby Scruggs Alumni Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 12:54 PM
Joseph Potts & Joseph R Potts Alumni Parent Collaborator $100.00 3/10/2021 12:49 PM
Aaron Diamond & Beth Parent Friend $30.00 3/10/2021 12:18 PM
Xufeg Niu & Xufeg Niu Faculty/Staff Advocate $200.00 3/10/2021 12:17 PM
Todd Dziobak Alumni Patron $250.00 3/10/2021 12:16 PM
Cathy Stephens Alumni Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 11:58 AM
Jolie Hoffmann Alumni Advocate $150.00 3/10/2021 11:55 AM
Martha Rhodes Roberts & Andrew Roberts Friend Advocate $200.00 3/10/2021 11:51 AM
James McCall Alumni Patron $250.00 3/10/2021 11:45 AM
Michael Neal Faculty/Staff Collaborator $100.00 3/10/2021 11:37 AM
Anonymous Donor Alumni Advocate $200.00 3/10/2021 11:30 AM
Thomas Atwood Alumni Advocate $150.00 3/10/2021 11:28 AM
Joseph McDaniel & Nikki Alumni Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 11:27 AM
Anonymous Donor Faculty/Staff Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 11:24 AM
Anonymous Donor Faculty/Staff Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 11:16 AM
Anonymous Donor Faculty/Staff Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 11:14 AM
Lindsey Eckert Faculty/Staff Associate $5.00 3/10/2021 11:13 AM
Amanda Atkins Alumni Associate $20.10 3/10/2021 11:10 AM
Nancy Smilowitz Faculty/Staff Collaborator $100.00 3/10/2021 10:51 AM
Giray Okten Faculty/Staff Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 10:50 AM
Anonymous Donor Faculty/Staff Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 10:49 AM
Perry Perrz Parent Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 10:42 AM
Anonymous Donor Parent Collaborator $75.00 3/10/2021 10:30 AM
Brian Inouye & Nora Underwood Faculty/Staff Associate $10.00 3/10/2021 10:20 AM
Loren Knobbe Alumni Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 10:10 AM
Barry Faulk Faculty/Staff Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 10:02 AM
Samantha Kunin Student Associate $5.00 3/10/2021 10:02 AM
Elias Dominguez Barajas Faculty/Staff Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 10:01 AM
Jodi Rhinehart-Doty & David Doty Alumni Parent Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 9:31 AM
James Turner Alumni Champion $1,000.00 3/10/2021 9:24 AM
Molly Hand Faculty/Staff Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 9:20 AM
Gary Eggebraaten & Debra Eggebraaten Alumni Faculty/Staff Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 9:18 AM
James Ballas Alumni Faculty/Staff Friend Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 9:16 AM
Melissa Valdes Alumni Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 9:12 AM
D.S. Marquis Alumni Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 8:58 AM
Andrew Askew & Angela Bellavance Faculty/Staff Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 8:57 AM
Rochelle Marrinan Faculty/Staff Collaborator $100.00 3/10/2021 8:50 AM
Anonymous Donor Faculty/Staff Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 8:21 AM
Carolyn Henry & Richard Henry Alumni Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 7:47 AM
Gina Rico & Paul Hromadka  Alumni Advocate $150.00 3/10/2021 7:28 AM
Shellie Camp Faculty/Staff Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 7:18 AM
Steve Brown & Yvonne Brown Alumni Faculty/Staff Board Member Champion $1,000.00 3/10/2021 6:54 AM
David S Warmath & Paula Warmath Alumni Champion $2,500.00 3/10/2021 6:40 AM
Meghan McCaskill & Meghan McCaskill Alumni Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 6:35 AM
Felicia Kopelman & William Alumni Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 6:34 AM
Amanda Stout Alumni Collaborator $50.00 3/10/2021 6:20 AM
Anonymous Donor Faculty/Staff Patron $250.00 3/10/2021 5:44 AM
Anne Coldiron Faculty/Staff Collaborator $100.00 3/10/2021 2:32 AM
Michael Mills Alumni Friend $25.00 3/10/2021 1:23 AM

Donations for this project ended on 3/11/2021 12:00 AM

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Heather Athey

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