The Intercollegiate Debate program has been a part of the Florida State University experience for more than a century, and its rich history of competitive success and academic achievement continues to this day. Given the funding realities of the 21st century, to secure the future of Florida State Debate, it is crucial to move beyond inconsistent short-term annual funding and provide long-term financial backing for the program. Established in 2014, the Marilyn J. Young Debate Endowment will generate enough interest income to ensure that the opportunity to debate is available for students into perpetuity. A consistent faculty presence is vital to the long-term future of the program by providing a voice and vision for the value of competitive debate in the modern world.
Over the more than 40 years of her debate experience, Dr. Marilyn J. Young has created a long lasting legacy for hundreds of students and colleagues. Now, at her behest, and in her honor, we are working to share that legacy.
In the spirit of the season, we'd like to share her holiday note with you!
Dear Alumni and Friends of FSU Debate,
I hope this finds you safe and well as this strangest of years comes to a close. Hopefully, the end of 2020 will bring more than hindsight, but also a vision of a brighter future for us all.
Not surprisingly, our endowment campaign has had to adapt to changed circumstances. We took a moratorium on soliciting contributions, while continuing to welcome any gifts that came our way, and we had a surprisingly successful year, given the circumstances. Many of you continued to contribute as you were able, and, after all, that is the most anyone can ask. Our philosophy from the beginning has been that any gift, large or small, is cherished, for it contributes to our overall success.
If you are able to make an end of year gift, I encourage you to consider making a contribution to the Debate Endowment as part of your tax planning. For 2020, there are tax advantages to charitable contributions that will expire on December 31.
As 2020 draws to a close we are almost half-way to our initial campaign goal. Thank you to everyone who has helped us get this far! With the on-going support of our debate alums and friends—which includes you!—I know we will reach that $1 million goal and secure the benefits of FSU debate for the next 120 years. To borrow from the slogan of the New York Community Trust, “Our world may change, but your legacy will never waver!”
Stay safe, remain positive, test negative,
PS - Check out this link which will provide you with the current team update from Avery Henry, the FSU Debate Coach, who has guided the team as it adjusts to the world of virtual tournaments. While travel has not been possible, the team has continued to compete as the debate community rose to the challenge of keeping students engaged and active.
Your support will help ensure the future of Florida State Debate. Thank you for your generosity!
For details about the Marilyn J. Young Endowment, visit
To connect with debate alumni and friends and learn more about Florida State Debate, visit