The Communication Theory and Research doctoral program at Florida State University offers students the training, facilities, and mentorship necessary to become independent and original scholars. Graduates of our program give back to the academy and related industries by taking positions at research-based institutions within the communication discipline, consultancies, not-for-profit organizations, and governmental agencies.
The main goal of the program is for students to gain knowledge of and an appreciation for the complexities and interdependencies within communication inquiry. To that end, students gain critical, historical, and theoretical grounding in the broad communication discipline and then pursue more advanced study through doctoral-level seminars, directed independent studies, and supervised research experiences. Students are also expected to conduct original scholarly inquiry, present research at conferences all over the world, and publish work in top-tier journals.
Our students are working alongside our world-renowned faculty in multiple areas of significance including communication for social justice and change, persuasive health and environmental messaging, multicultural communication and marketing, critical cultural and rhetorical studies, entertainment and positive media psychology, and new media technology.
The School of Communication hopes to facilitate and support the work, travel, and productivity of our best and brightest students. Your support will help ensure the School can recruit and fund doctoral students eager to contribute to the scholarly work for which the School of Communication is known and respected.
The School of Communication hopes to facilitate and support the work, travel, and productivity of our best and brightest students. Your support will help ensure the School can recruit and fund doctoral students eager to contribute to the scholarly work for which the School of Communication is known and respected.