Support the needs of Deaf and hard of hearing children, and their families, in our community.
$1,565 Raised of $2,500 Goal
33 Total Gifts
33 Supporters
$250 Largest Gift
0 Days to go
DHH/ASL Educational Outreach Program
FSU's Deaf and Hard of Hearing/American Sign Language Educational Outreach Program provides undergraduate students with valuable preclinical experiences while supporting the needs of the community. Since its inception in 2018, the DHH/ASL Outreach Program has provided local and statewide presentations as well as sign language support in various community settings. The program is directed by Drs. Kristen and Casey Guynes, who specialize in d/Deaf education and American Sign Language. All services are provided at no cost to families or community recipients.
Your gift will support the needs of Deaf and hard of hearing children, and their families, in our community. Specifically, we are prioritizing the purchase of educational materials to support our language and literacy tutoring services, as well as ASL curriculum resources to provide an upcoming sign language class for family members of DHH children.
Project Updates
Update Title March 21, 2014
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque scelerisque diam non nisi semper, et elementum lorem ornare. Maecenas placerat facilisis mollis. Duis sagittis ligula in sodales vehicula.
Update Title March 21, 2014
Curabitur purus sem, malesuada eu luctus eget, suscipit sed turpis. Nam pellentesque felis vitae justo accumsan, sed semper nisi sollicitudin.
Update Title March 21, 2014
Fusce ullamcorper ligula sit amet quam accumsan aliquet. Sed nulla odio, tincidunt vitae nunc vitae, mollis pharetra velit. Sed nec tempor nibh.