Dean Damon Andrew (’04) pledges to match all donations made to all College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences department endowments through the end of 2024!
Your gift to the Sport Management endowment will provide Chair Jeff James with flexibility to approach core projects like the Sport Management Conference.
The FSU Sport Management Conference provides networking opportunities for 250+ students with industry professionals from dozens of collegiate and professional sports teams. The conference has a 75% placement rate for student interns and a 25% employment rate for jobs in entry level employment for students in the sport industry.
All gifts received before December 31, 2024, will receive a 1:1 match (up to a total of $15,000) to grow the Sport Management endowment and provide greater flexibility as our chair, faculty and students identify needs.
Make your gift today and double the resources available for Sport Management through the Dean's 1:1 Match!