Support our ALA Student Chapter members in areas of professional development and networking both online and in-person to prepare them as well-rounded information professionals!
$1,845 Raised of $2,000 Goal
25 Total Gifts
24 Supporters
$300 Largest Gift
0 Days to go
Students First – ALA Student Chapter
FSU’s American Library Association Student Chapter assists CCI master and doctoral students in growing their network and furthering their development as information professionals. The virtual nature of our current circumstances has and will continue to change the way that we interact, teach, learn, and work in the information field. With so many changes and with the wide variety of roles for the information professional, we want to encourage our members to pursue development and educational opportunities that serve their career interests and goals. Students would gain invaluable knowledge, skills, and connections by participating in conferences or other similar events that will further enhance their education in the classroom. These funds would enable our chapter to support students' attendance to such events and allow us to continue to bring in a diverse body of speakers to our monthly meetings.
Every gift would directly impact one of our students’ FSU experience; we greatly appreciate your support!
Project Updates
Update Title March 21, 2014
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque scelerisque diam non nisi semper, et elementum lorem ornare. Maecenas placerat facilisis mollis. Duis sagittis ligula in sodales vehicula.
Update Title March 21, 2014
Curabitur purus sem, malesuada eu luctus eget, suscipit sed turpis. Nam pellentesque felis vitae justo accumsan, sed semper nisi sollicitudin.
Update Title March 21, 2014
Fusce ullamcorper ligula sit amet quam accumsan aliquet. Sed nulla odio, tincidunt vitae nunc vitae, mollis pharetra velit. Sed nec tempor nibh.